Good Yule
(and Happy Holidaze)
Waes Hael — Drinc Hael
Wishing you good health and joy in the coming new year.
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.
♩ ♫ ♩ ♫ ♩ ♫ ♩
Larry and Janis
2016 Highlights
Book News:
In the better-late-than-never department, book trailer (video) for Dare I Call It Murder?: A Memoir of Violent Loss.
Book sales have trailed off but remain at a steady, if modest, pace. I continue to be gratified by the overwhelmingly positive reception it has received, and I am glad to hear from those who say the book has helped them deal with a similar tragedy in their lives.
Author Connie Saindon and I are pleased that Murder Survivor's Handbook and The Journey are helping many people deal with the traumatic grief and related issues that often accompany the violent death of a loved one. The books are highly regarded by therapists and those who provide victim support services, as well as by individuals who directly benefit from them.
What the Private Saw: The Civil War Letters & Diaries of Oney Foster Sweet continues to be well regarded and received a laudatory endorsement from Midwest Book Review:
This first-hand account . . . is an invaluable addition to the growing library of American Civil War memoirs and biographies. A compelling read from beginning to end, . . . [it] is very highly recommended for both community and academic library American Civil War collections.
Blog: More in the better-late-than-never department, I revitalized the Polishing Your Prose blog with the series From the Editor’s Eye: The 10 Most Common Errors Made by Writers (And How to Fix Them)
More Book News: I edited a number of books over the past year, all of which merit publication, and one was published: Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife by Barbara McNally (Koehler Books). This book offers an intimate look into the chaotic and demanding lives of military spouses, partners, and families as they adjust to living with combat veterans who have been injured, physically and emotionally. Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife addresses a subject matter critical to our society; I am proud to be included this worthwhile project and highly recommend this book.
Music Arena: Janis took a break from her globe-trotting bird trips (Africa, Alaska, Australia, et al.; she's now a member of the 700 Club) and in July we went cross-country to Winston-Salem, NC, to visit Richard Chance and Christie Anderson. We enjoyed a delightful old-time music jam session, and Richard and I recorded some tunes, including:
Moonshiner Stomp
Spellbound Waltz
Related Links
Winter Solstice — Shortest Day of the Year
Winter Solstice Traditions: Rituals for a Simple Celebration
Larry's Facebook Page
Wigeon Publishing
Photos: (L) Larry and Janis viewing the sculptures of Ricardo Breceda in Borrego Springs, California; (R) Toyon, also known as the California Christmas tree.